Tag Archives: election advice

Election Advice

18 Oct

Pens, buttons, signs, shirts, bumper stickers, and more.  You can tell when it’s getting down to the wire in an election season and you don’t go anywhere without seeing a sea of candidates names and logos.  But which are the most effective means of electoral advertising?  How do you get your name and message across in an era in which we’re constantly barraged by names and sound bites?

Getting your name out there: Yard signs are incredibly effective at promoting name recognition and keeping your candidate on the minds of everyone who sees the sign.

Getting your name and message across: Promotional Products.  If you don’t have access to an enormous vat of campaign funds, you need to be efficient with how you plan to spend your advertising money.  A recent survey found that over two‐thirds (67.4%) of respondents took action as a result of receiving a promotional item, with over half (52.1%) visiting a candidate’s website, and nearly one in five (19.5%) donating money to the campaign.

Desired qualities of campaign promotional products: Your options are limitless in terms of the variety of items available, but here are the most desirable qualities for promotional giveaways.

  • Made in America and Eco-friendly
  • Containing detailed facts: those polled valued items that contained detailed facts about the candidate’s positions over items reflecting the candidate’s personality or demonstrating humor.
  • Democrats like shirts while Republicans prefer pens